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Pathways for Talent

How can educational institutions help people of all ages find the pathway to learning and opportunity that works for them?

Pathways for Talent enables onramps to educational, professional, and entrepreneurial opportunities for talented individuals from underserved communities around the world.

Talented people find different pathways to success, but too often the route is not clearly marked or is simply closed to those lacking the right credentials or background. We are designing, testing, and supporting bold new ideas to open the doors of academia more widely to high-potential talent everywhere and to link tomorrow’s workforce needs with today’s learners.

We support projects that pioneer new routes into the educational system. Part of the mission is to better support learners in finding and making the next steps in their own educational and career journeys. From educating refugee, migrant and other underserved communities, to narrowing the gap between high school and higher education, the Jameel World Education Lab’s projects are supporting all learners as they thrive.